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Vivamus pellentesque risus eu augue gravida vestibulum. Nullam aliquet, magna faucibus tristique cursus, lacus augue venenatis elit, non gravida mi orci in velit. Quisque non hendrerit ex, in faucibus diam.

Cross-border: UK infrastructure  consultancy expands its US footprint



A UK-headquartered global consultancy with a focus on infrastructure, cities and transportation wished to diversify from deep transport expertise into a more rounded policy & infrastructure consulting proposition. The ideal acquisition would also reposition the business for growth outside the UK. Our client recognised the need for a transatlantic M&A advisor with industry specialism to map UK and North American markets simultaneously, driving synergies in identification and engagement during a targeted, high impact origination sprint.

Targets Identified


Target introductions to client


Target conversations


Successful Acquisitions


Capital Projects Thumbnail


Our client was looking for ‘below-the-radar’ assets, where the potential for surprises in performance and blend of offering is higher (as the market proposition of these growing enterprises is often required to ‘punch higher’ than the realities of the platform). The service mix between engineering and strategic advisory capabilities was also an important consideration that was not apparent from immediate company data. Key challenges included:

  • Complexity in identifying and vetting firms that are “off-market” and don’t provide much detail publicly.
  • Barriers to connecting with owners and C-suite executives given many either consider their business ‘early’ for an M&A discussion or value it at aspirational level (based on multiples they have heard applied to larger, more mature businesses).
  • Challenge in industrializing the process of M&A, while also developing the all important people-connection to drive the deal forward.

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Vivamus pellentesque risus eu augue gravida vestibulum. Nullam aliquet, magna faucibus tristique cursus, lacus augue venenatis elit, non gravida mi orci in velit. Quisque non hendrerit ex, in faucibus diam.


  • In a 10-week origination sprint, Artemis delivered a longlist of 78 targets, contacting 20 of these at the client’s request and bringing additional ‘live’ data to the client concerning 16 of those through direct discussions resulting from this engagement.

  • By the end of the 10th week, the client had been introduced to 9 firms in the UK and US, leading subsequently to 2 offers and 2 completed transactions.


Artemis helped one of the world's top strategy houses acquire a technology services business in Europe.

Capital Projects

Artemis helped a private equity-backed construction advisory firm expand its presence in Europe by identifying and acquiring two companies that met their specific criteria.

Energy Transition

Artemis helped a market-leading global IT services and consulting firm expand its capabilities in Europe in sustainability and decarbonisation consulting.