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Vivamus pellentesque risus eu augue gravida vestibulum. Nullam aliquet, magna faucibus tristique cursus, lacus augue venenatis elit, non gravida mi orci in velit. Quisque non hendrerit ex, in faucibus diam.

Cross-border: Innovation consulting for smart manufacturing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eget hendrerit metus. Curabitur a diam ultricies, vulputate quam non, aliquet sem. Nulla nisi enim, mollis ut tempus et, pulvinar eu urna. Mauris commodo turpis elit, sed dictum orci pharetra ac. Vivamus pellentesque risus eu augue gravida vestibulum. Nullam aliquet, magna faucibus tristique cursus, lacus augue venenatis elit, non gravida mi orci in velit. Quisque non hendrerit ex, in faucibus diam.



A PE-backed innovation advisory firm headquartered in France sought to establish a foothold in the US and expand its presence into North America. Management and investors recognised the need for a skilled, sector-specific, global M&A advisor who could guide and accelerate their M&A process in the new geography via a targeted, high impact origination sprint.

Targets Identified


Target introductions to client


Target conversations


Time for Artemis to deliver

1 month



The client had relocated a senior team member to a nascent US office, but faced a number of challenges in scaling the operation at a pace that would move the needle for the high-growth EU-based firm, without also distracting management from maintaining the pace of existing domestic expansion:

  • Complexity in identifying firms that deployed relevant expertise with value-based propositions in specific sectors of interest
  • Barriers to connecting with owners of US-based firms, given significant inbound activities for those firms from the domestic market and perceived (ir)relevance of European-based acquirers and investors
  • Need to deploy an industrialised process of data capture and outbound comms given levels of volume and quality needed for success in high-paced, proactive, off-market deal sourcing

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Vivamus pellentesque risus eu augue gravida vestibulum. Nullam aliquet, magna faucibus tristique cursus, lacus augue venenatis elit, non gravida mi orci in velit. Quisque non hendrerit ex, in faucibus diam.


In just 1 month of target identification, assessment and approach, Artemis delivered a longlist of 80 targets fitting the thesis. 20 were shortlisted and contacted, with 11 of those already engaging with Artemis in this short period. Based on the additional 'live' data, 5 of these were introduced to the client, achieving a ‘running start’ for inorganic growth initiatives in the new geography.


Artemis helped one of the world's top strategy houses acquire a technology services business in Europe.

Capital Projects

Artemis helped a private equity-backed construction advisory firm expand its presence in Europe by identifying and acquiring two companies that met their specific criteria.

Energy Transition

Artemis helped a market-leading global IT services and consulting firm expand its capabilities in Europe in sustainability and decarbonisation consulting.