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Vivamus pellentesque risus eu augue gravida vestibulum. Nullam aliquet, magna faucibus tristique cursus, lacus augue venenatis elit, non gravida mi orci in velit. Quisque non hendrerit ex, in faucibus diam.

Smart Manufacturing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eget hendrerit metus. Curabitur a diam ultricies, vulputate quam non, aliquet sem. Nulla nisi enim, mollis ut tempus et, pulvinar eu urna. Mauris commodo turpis elit, sed dictum orci pharetra ac. Vivamus pellentesque risus eu augue gravida vestibulum. Nullam aliquet, magna faucibus tristique cursus, lacus augue venenatis elit, non gravida mi orci in velit. Quisque non hendrerit ex, in faucibus diam.



A prolific global strategic acquirer operating in the strategy and consulting space was looking to balance a recent major investment in a European smart manufacturing consultancy with an equivalent acquisition in North America. With technology and innovation driving this segment of the market, and extensive cross-selling potential across its global client base, there were compelling reasons for accelerating growth in its North American practice through M&A. Artemis was retained for a series of deep searches across capability sets that could potentially provide the required uplift in capacity and transform growth potential. 

Market Scans


Shortlisted Targets


Longlisted Targets


Successful Acquisitions




To ‘move the needle’ the company required an acquisition of scale, where fewer firms would be ‘below the radar’ or outside ownership of financial sponsors. Hence: 

  • Internal market scans and banked processes had not yielded a target meeting requirements 
  • Many firms with relevant consulting offerings had developed software or manufacturing capability that made them unviable as targets 
  • Level of innovation in relevant targets meant they could have come from a number of prior propositions, complicating the identification process 


Heading Text

Vivamus pellentesque risus eu augue gravida vestibulum. Nullam aliquet, magna faucibus tristique cursus, lacus augue venenatis elit, non gravida mi orci in velit. Quisque non hendrerit ex, in faucibus diam.


    • Completion of 6 separate scans over a period of under 5 months across 10 countries 
    • Provision of both the target ultimately acquired by our client and context to lean in on valuation and be successful 
    • Landmark acquisition in the robotics space, where manufacturing capability was ultimately found to be an area of positive expansion for the broader group 


Artemis helped one of the world's top strategy houses acquire a technology services business in Europe.

Capital Projects

Artemis helped a private equity-backed construction advisory firm expand its presence in Europe by identifying and acquiring two companies that met their specific criteria.

Energy Transition

Artemis helped a market-leading global IT services and consulting firm expand its capabilities in Europe in sustainability and decarbonisation consulting.