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How long does it take to identify ‘Tier 1’ M&A targets?

Paul Dondos 13 March 2024

How long does it take for us to identify 80% of ‘Tier 1’ M&A targets?

Tier 1 timing-2At Artemis Origination we’ve carried out over 150 target scans in the technology and professional services sectors for strategic acquirers and private equity seeking to deploy capital successfully through M&A at the innovation frontier.

Our process has evolved by continuous improvement of our team and technologies – particularly in the last two years since we became a fully independent M&A origination specialist.

Some things have stayed the same, however, throughout the 6+ years that we’ve been doing this. Here are two of them:

  1. In a multi-week, iterative shortlisting process, we classify each of ~50-100 fully profiled targets with our clients into tiers. Tier 1 means targets which, if as strategic and actionable as public/proprietary data suggests, our client would have strong interest in acquiring
  2. ‘Multi-week’ means 5 weeks of iterative pooling, longlisting, shortlisting, scoring and debate. That’s what it takes to build an optimal target shortlist

Tier 1 timing-1-1

Above we present data from our latest 20 scans. Note that it takes on average between 4 and 5 weeks to identify 80% of tier 1 targets. And, by the way, the third week yields more tier 1 targets than any other. Next time we’ll say why we think that third week is so productive.