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Buyside M&A Origination in Technology and Professional Services

How can acquirers and investors get an edge?

We lead you to the smartest deals

Based in London, New York and Split, Artemis Origination is the industry standard for many of the world's largest private equity and prolific strategic acquirers seeking targeted, systematic acceleration of inorganic growth and buy-and-build theses.

Since 2017 we’ve been engaging with 000’s of owners of tech and professional services companies.

To date our 150+ buyside engagements have yielded >$3bn in transaction value.

What makes a smart deal?


How closely does the asset match the M&A thesis?


What are the chances of getting a deal done?


Is it best in class? Where does it fit on the broader map?


How would it be integrated?

What makes us best-in-class?

We are independent specialists, entirely focused on leading our clients to the smartest deals (in what we think are the most complex but rewarding sectors in the global economy).

"Guiding buyers and investors on deploying capital into the innovation frontier – and in the process helping entrepreneurs at that frontier through the scale challenges that come with being highly successful innovators: that's where we play." - Paul Dondos, CEO, Artemis

Success in M&A origination, like so much in commerce, depends on the quality of your people, process and technology. People, because you need relationships, old and new, with shareholders of relevant target businesses (and we have hundreds, thousands even, of these from years of operating in the technology and professional services space). Process, because the innovation frontier is always moving; new companies or new capabilities in old companies can be hard to spot, so you need to be systematic, or you'll miss what's important . And technology, because the data is too vast and fluid to be useful without a simple but robust tech-enabled infrastructure. After five years delivering 100+ origination engagements to some of the most demanding and prolific investors and acquirers in the space, we like to think we excel across all three aspects - though there's always room for innovation!